Jenni McCarthy

Jenni McCarthy


Hi, I'm Jenni. Back at the beginning of 2019, I decided that I needed a change from my career as an HR Manager and recruitment expert and, for better or worse, decided that developing was the path for me! After taking part in the Web Development Foundation course at 23 Code Street, I took the plunge and left my job, to forge a career in development. I live in London with my dog. Click the below social links for cute pictures of him!


What I can do for you





Some of my recent work
Weather App

Weather App

A simple weather app, with moving weather icons, using the darksky API. View me on Github

Squeeze Website

A website for a US-based fresh juice company, built using HTML, CSS & vanilla Javascript.

Juice Website
Meditation App

Meditation App

A functional meditation app, which allows the user to select duration, as well as sound and video preferences. View me on Github

Work Experience

  • Training

    Since June 2019, I have been driving my own training in the area of web development.

  • Syft

    I was the Talent & HR Manager for Syft; intensely growing the workforce and helping them during the acquisition.

  • Various

    The first 14 years of my career were spent in the HR & recruitment industry, in a variety of sectors. I have experience in the whole range of talent management and development, as well as graduate to c-level recruitment. You can see a more detailed overview of my background on my Linkedin profile


Let's work together